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Solar Panel Bird Proofing

Solar panels are a valuable investment, giving you a fantastic way to cut your electricity bills and even generate income by selling electricity back to the grid.

However, whilst you see your panels as a beneficial power source, pigeons see them as the perfect nesting place. You are literally putting a roof over their heads, and they quickly move in and set up home. Pigeons are noisy and they make a mess. They are early risers and can be heard clearly cooing and scratching on your roof. Their droppings end up all over the roof, guttering, walls, and usually, on your front doorstep. Not the nicest of welcome messages.

As well as messy, pigeon droppings carry disease. Bird droppings are known to be carriers of a number of serious diseases: Cryptococcal Meningitis, Salmonella, Listeria and e. coli – not something you want on the roof above your family home.

But health and mess aside, pigeon droppings are highly acidic, causing corrosion and structural damage. Droppings, dust and dirt on the surface of your panels cause 'hard shading' and this affects the current flow through the panel, reducing the power output. Nesting underneath your panels can result in costly damage requiring repairs to the wiring and components.

Pigeons can seriously damage your investment!

The Solution