0481 162 162
City of Casey, VIC Australia
The cat flea is the most common flea in Australia. It attacks dogs, rats, humans and other mammals.
Fleas are small, wingless, external parasites from the order Siphonaptera. Adult fleas range from 2 to 4 mm in length, are brown in colour and oval shape.
They have six spiny legs, with powerful hind legs for jumping. Fleas can jump more than 200 times their body length.
Fleas take four forms during their life cycle: egg, larva, pupae and adult. This cycle takes 2 weeks to 8 months depending on temperature, humidity, food and the type of flea species. You may need to identify which stage of the flea life cycle is present before deciding on a treatment method.
01 EggAdult females lay 4-8 eggs in a cluster after a blood feeding, usually on the host animal. The eggs are light coloured and oval shaped and can take 2 days to 2 weeks to hatch. | 02 LarvaLarvae look like translucent worms with small bristles. They are approximately 3 mm long. Larvae may take several months to develop after hatching from eggs. They eat digested blood from adult flea faeces, dead skin, feathers, hair and other particles of organic matter. Once fully developed, larvae begin weaving a cocoon and become pupae. | 03 PupaPupae grow to adult fleas inside a cocoon that sticks to pet hair, carpet fibre, dust, grass cuttings and other matter. Fleas grow best during warm, moist winters and spring. Pupae do not emerge from these cocoons until they detect a suitable host (for example, by sensing vibrations caused by humans or animals). Egg to pupa stages take approximately 5-14 days. | 04 AdultAdult fleas may remain resting in their cocoon until they sense vibration (caused by movement), pressure, heat, noise or carbon dioxide. The ability to sense vibration explains why flea bites can occur after entering a house that has been unoccupied for some time. When adult fleas emerge from their cocoons, they are ready for their first blood feed. Adults are quite active, crawling and jumping in hair or fur. |
Adult fleas can survive for many months without feeding. When a food source is available, the flea uses its saw-like mandibles (jaws) to cut through skin on accessible parts of the body (for example, legs or feet). Flea saliva contains anticoagulants to keep the host’s blood flowing so they can feed easily.
Maintaining a high standard of hygiene is very important in controlling fleas without the use of pesticides. All hard floors and furnishings should be thoroughly swept and washed. All carpet and furnishings should be vacuumed, paying particular attention along seams and joins.
Soft furnishings and beddings should be washed.
It is common for fleas to be found in areas where household pets rest. These areas should be targeted first. Pet bedding should be thoroughly vacuumed, or steam cleaned.
Outside, loose debris and weeds should be removed, and the lawns mowed. This helps expose their environment and is a good integrated pest management tool. Larvae have been known to frequent shaded areas.
Ensuring pets and animals cannot access areas beneath the house can also help to minimise the chance of fleas spreading indoors.
Effective flea control often relies on the well-directed application of pesticides. This should be undertaken at the same time as non-chemical treatment – such as vacuuming and garden maintenance – to ensure the environment is less suitable for the development of fleas.