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City of Casey, VIC Australia

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Rodent Treatment

Common pest rodent species in Victoria include the Norway rat, the roof rat and the house mouse.

Rats and mice are just two of the mammals that belong to the order Rodentia. More than 2,200 species of rodents – such as mice and rats – exist, and more than 40 per cent of all mammal species belong to the Rodentia order.

Australia has more than 60 native rodent species and three introduced pest species.
Rodents have been successful in populating every continent except Antarctica. This is because of their small size, short breeding cycle and ability to eat a variety of foods. They are the second most successful mammal on the planet, coming second only to humans.

Rodents consume and destroy their food source during feeding. This can cause devastating damage to a wide range of different settings, such as domestic households, commercial businesses, farms, manufactures and livestock.

Not only do rodents gnaw through many materials, but they can also ruin food supplies by excreting them.

Not all rodents are considered pests. Many rodents are an important part of the food chain, as they are prey for meat-eating animals such as cats, snakes, large birds and foxes. Rodents are also important ecologically for spreading seeds and spores.

Rodents are characterized by their two sharp front teeth in the upper and lower jaws. These teeth grow continually, and their size is controlled by continual gnawing.

Rodent, Rat, and Mouse Control

All treatments carried out by Casey Pest Management meet the strict health regulations of the Australian Government, as per Section101 of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 (PHW Act) and the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2009 (PHW Regulations).

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Strategies

There are several DIY steps you can take to reduce the risk of rodents in your home:

  • Keep food in containers with tight-fitting lids
  • Clean up after food preparation. Food scraps left around is an open invitation
  • Make sure rubbish bins are not open to scavengers. Tight lids are needed
  • Don’t leave pet food lying around your premises
  • Don’t leave organic food in an open compost
  • Keep the house and garden clear of rubbish

Major Rodent Pest Species